Airport Development

Airport Development in North Ambergris Caye

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Airport Development in North Ambergris Caye

Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Sub Sector
Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Air Transportation
Indicative Return
Describes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
5% - 10% (in IRR)
Investment Timeframe
Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Long Term (10+ years)
Market Size
Describes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
206,731 passengers by 2035
Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
> USD 10 million
Direct Impact
Describes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)
Indirect Impact
Describes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)

Business Model Description

Invest in the development of a new international airport under a concession agreement which will allow for the accommodation of larger aircraft and to cope with the expected future demands as it is anticipated that there will be an increase in air passenger traffic.

Expected Impact

Increased access to safe transportation for women and low income communities

How is this information gathered?

Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.


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Country & Regions

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  • Belize: North Ambergris Caye
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Sector Classification

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Development need
The GSDS and the NDF emphasize the need for the transport sector to support the tourism and agricultural sectors’ development with environmentally-friendly and climate resilient and adaptable infrastructure and supporting policies, along with the active collaboration of the private-sector.

Policy priority
The Government of Belize with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) developed Belize's Comprehensive National Transportation Master Plan (CNTMP) which identifies and recognizes the need for more efficient and effective transport of people and freight within the country, and between Belize and its main trading partners.

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
47% (females) and 53% (males) access to public transportation

Investment opportunities introduction
Improvements needed at regional aerodromes, including measures to address security shortcomings (perimeter fencing, security procedures); urgent repair for Caye Caulker runway (under way); and long-term vision required for San Pedro and Placencia municipal airports.

Key bottlenecks introduction
Bottlenecks for transportation sector include the lack of a bulk terminal in the Port of Belize City, or the capacity constraint in the municipal airport of San Pedro, along with limited investment from private sector in this sector.

Sub Sector

Air Transportation

Development need
With buildings on three (3) sides of the manoeuvring areas and a nearby office building that breaches the transitional space, the John Grief II Airport has essentially been outgrown. The airport cannot accommodate larger aircraft, or even small jets because of the physical constraints, and it is expected that traffic growth will be stalled within two (2) years.

Policy priority
The Government of Belize with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) developed Belize's Comprehensive National Transportation Master Plan (CNTMP) which identifies and recognizes the need for more efficient and effective transport of people and freight within the country, and between Belize and its main trading partners.

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
47% (females) and 53% (males) access to public transportation.

Investment opportunities introduction
Improvements needed at regional aerodromes, including measures to address security shortcomings (perimeter fencing, security procedures); urgent repair for Caye Caulker runway (under way); and long-term vision required for San Pedro and Placencia municipal airports.

Key bottlenecks introduction
The airport cannot accommodate larger aircraft, or even small jets because of the physical constraints, and it is expected that traffic growth will be stalled within two (2) years.


Air Freight and Logistics

Pipeline Opportunity

Discover the investment opportunity and its corresponding business model.
Investment Opportunity Area

Airport Development in North Ambergris Caye

Business Model

Invest in the development of a new international airport under a concession agreement which will allow for the accommodation of larger aircraft and to cope with the expected future demands as it is anticipated that there will be an increase in air passenger traffic.

Business Case

Learn about the investment opportunity’s business metrics and market risks.

Market Size and Environment

Critical IOA Unit
Describes a complementary market sizing measure exemplifying the opportunities with the IOA.

206,731 passengers by 2035

Selected aerodromes yearly passenger movements forecasts 177,260 passengers by 2025 and 206,731 by 2035

Indicative Return

Describes an expected annual rate of growth of the IOA investment.

5% - 10%

Based on a similar project in St.Lucia to (i) improve operational safety and navigation efficiency of air transport and (ii) enhance resilience of Saint Lucia’s airport infrastructure to natural disasters, yielded about an 8% internal rate of return

Investment Timeframe

Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.

Long Term (10+ years)

Given the size of the total investment required for the airport development and the construction of the airport are long term with minimum 7-10 years.

Ticket Size

Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.

> USD 10 million

Market Risks & Scale Obstacles

Capital - CapEx Intensive

Airports are capital-intensive investments. Irrespective of airport ownership model, the large capital outlay and the complexities involved in planning, getting approvals, and constructing new infrastructure means that there is a level of risk associated with the long term horizon of the investment.

Impact Case

Read about impact metrics and social and environmental risks of the investment opportunity.

Sustainable Development Need

The existing San Pedro airport has no parallel taxiway and a tiny apron, which severely restricts aircraft movement on the ground. With buildings on three (3) sides of the maneuvering areas and a nearby office building that breaches the transitional space, the John Grief II Airport has essentially been outgrown.

The airport cannot accommodate larger aircraft or even small jets because of physical constraints, and it is expected that traffic growth will be stalled within two (2) years.

Gender & Marginalisation

Increased access to safe air transportation for women and low income communities

Expected Development Outcome

Airports are catalyst to economic growth, the development of a new airport in San Pedro would lead to economic growth on a local scale ans the area is considered one of the main tourist destinations in Belize. Additionally, it will increase employment within the sector, contributing to the the fullfillment of sdg 8 (decent work and economic growth)

Gender & Marginalisation

The development of the new airport can create employment for unemployed women in the area

Primary SDGs addressed

Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

8.9.1 Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate

Current Value

Tourism was 37.3% of total GDP in 2019

Target Value


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9)
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

9.1.2 Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport

Current Value

Selected aerodromes passenger movements in John Grief Airport (San Pedro) was 146,174 in 2016.

Target Value


Secondary SDGs addressed

10 - Reduced Inequalities

Directly impacted stakeholders


Airline/aircraft operators will have the ability to serve the San Pedro with larger aircraft. In turn, passengers will benefit from enhanced safety and service levels/capacity (expected passenger traffic is 177,260 by 2025).

Impact Risks

Normal construction-related risks linked to airport development and construction and potential environmental impacts. Risks related to execution of the project

Impact Classification

C—Contribute to Solutions


Increased aviation activity


Construction related environmental impacts

Impact Thesis

Increased access to safe transportation for women and low income communities

Enabling Environment

Explore policy, regulatory and financial factors relevant for the investment opportunity.

Policy Environment

The Comprehensive National Transportation Plan (2018) identifies the aviation sector of importance and the need for development of the airport in San Pedro.

Financial Environment

Potential exists for a concession agreement between a Government Authority and a Private entity, through which the Government grants certain rights to the Private entity for a limited period of time under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

Regulatory Environment

The Belize Department of Civil Aviation is the regulatory and oversight body in all civil aviation matters in Belize. The Belize Department of Civil Aviation is a Department presently under the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation.

Other laws and regulations applicable to aviation include: Airport Authority (BAA) Act (CAP 238) Civil Aviation Act (CAP 239). Civil Aviation Security Act (2007).

Belize does not have any PPP-specific institutions or laws in place.

Marketplace Participants

Discover examples of public and private stakeholders active in this investment opportunity that were identified through secondary research and consultations.

Private Sector

Belize Airport Authority: established under the Belize Airports Authority Act, Chapter 238 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000.


Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, Belize Department of Civil Aviation

Target Locations

See what country regions are most suitable for the investment opportunity. All references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
country static map

Belize: North Ambergris Caye

The San Pedro Area is one of the busiest destinations for tourism in Belize, with the forecasted growth in air passenger traffic, the current airport does not have the capacity to accommodate the number of passengers and aircraft required.


See what sources were used to establish the investment opportunity’s data and find resources that could be consulted to explore more.
    • (1) Inter-American Development Bank. Transport Sector in Belize (2013). Retrieved from
    • (2) Government of Belize. Belize Comprehensive National Transportation Master Plan (2018). Retrieved from
    • (3) International Monetary Fund. Public-Private Partnerships in the Caribbean Region (2019). Retrieved from
    • (4) Saint Lucia - Caribbean Air Transport Connectivity Project (2020). Retrieved from